Training the Next Generation Servant Leaders

We envision producing biblically equipped and globally competent servant leaders for the advancement of God’s kingdom.
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We are delighted to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you at Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute (BBSI). As you navigate our website, you are taking the first step towards discovering an institution deeply committed to the pursuit of knowledge, character development, and community building.

Our Mission is Clear and Unwavering

Equipping Leaders, Transforming Lives

At Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute (BBSI), our mission is clear and unwavering: to develop dedicated men and women, called by a divine purpose, through robust biblical training, and empower them to effectively share the message of Christ with the world.

Commitment to Excellence

BBSI-College takes pride in offering quality education, starting from a student's formative years, by instilling in them a biblical worldview. We believe in nurturing our students to become future Pastors, Christian Educators and Teachers, Tent-makers or Missionaries, and Theologians.

Servant Leadership

Our esteemed Faculty and Staff exemplify servant leadership, leading by example, not only in formal teaching but also in helping students cultivate Christ-like character, spiritual maturity, a kingdom-building mindset, and effective ministry leadership.

A Legacy of Impact

Since our establishment in 1930, BBSI-College has, by God's grace, equipped men and women who have gone on to serve God in various fields of ministry, both nationally and internationally. Our alumni stand as living testimonies of the transformative power of our education.

Passing on the Torch

At BBSI-College, we are dedicated to imparting these core values to the next generation of called individuals, equipping them to be highly effective in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the farthest corners of the earth.

Courses in Our Basic Education Department

Discover your perfect program in our courses.

News & Updates

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At Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute (BBSI), our commitment to excellence has left a lasting impression on students, alumni, pastors, and parents. Here's what some of them have to say about their experiences:

BBSI prepared me for the challenges of ministry. The strong foundation I received continues to shape my pastoral work, and I'm grateful for the lifelong connections made here.

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